Walking Trail
Leguan trail

Length – 5.7km
Sites – Rock Waterhole, Kibu Hide, Eland Pan, Old Airstrip, and Matamba Plains
This trail winds through the farm with several options to add loops. Leguans are frequently seen sunning on the rocks. This trail also crosses the runway where game often congregates.
- Start below the ablutions and turn right
- Turn right at the crossroad
- At T junction turn left
- Next T junction turn right
- At the cutline, turn left
- First road turn right
- At the T junction turn left and go down the hill
- At the crossroad turn right
- At T junction turn left
- Next crossroad turn left
- At T junction turn left
- At cut line cross over
- T Junction turn left
- At the crossroad keep straight and head up to the runway
- Cross over the runway and join the road again
- Cross Road keep straight
- Junction turn right and follow road back to camp